The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Just Curious as to what kinds of Pets, you Guys and Gals have.
I have a Literal Menagerie, in my house. I am One of the Cat Loving crowd,
as well.

In my Zoo, I have 1 Chihauhau (Rocky), 1 English Bulldog (Winnie),
9 Cats (Prissy, Dolly, Patches, Miss Kitty, Skeeter, Baby,Dora, Lil Bit & Punkin.)
3 Feretts (Bonnie, Clyde & Pinky), 2 Rabbits, 4 Forpus Parrotellettes, 1 Lovebird,
1 Quaker, and 1 Panamanian Amazon. A real house full, of Noise I tell you what.
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on Mar 17, 2004
My cat Lil Bit is a Showering Cat, she jumps in whenever I, let her. Most of the others do not like it. Prissy is addicted to Pounce Treats, and can go through 2 Big, jars a week if I let her. My Queen of the Roost is Patchy. Baby was rescued from under the bonnet of a new Pontiac, Grand Am, after travelling 40 miles, wedged in between the motor and the serpentine belts, and is now the fattest of the whole caboodle, of cats. Punkin was recued from the Dump, and The rest were picked up, in similar circumstances.
Now I am not allowed to go to places (ALONE), where I might get a Cat, for free. Pet Stores, Flea Market, Dump etc... I had a SugarGlider (Wingnut), but he died from misadventure. I also had 8 Roosters, and 11 Hens, but wild Dogs wiped out my Flock before I could do anything about it. My 2 Goats got to mean for us to handle and was relocated to a goat farm not far away. Where they are very, happy with their newest kidd.
on Mar 17, 2004
That sounds like my kind of house!
on Mar 18, 2004
Wolves are actually more civilized than human beings...

yep. It's all about "family" with wolves. and chain of command(all the firefighters and service men/women thought they came up with chain of command!)

on Mar 18, 2004
Wolves are actually more civilized than human beings...

Of that, I have no doubt.

Dabe (who's going through some uncivilized garbage lately) >

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on Mar 18, 2004
you know, everytime I see this topic my mind(s) have to be slapped back into focus because that isn't a "K" I first see and there is the word Commity that phantomly appears
on Mar 18, 2004

#59 by Scribe IPlural - 3/17/2004 9:01:47 PM
Belgium (spelling) Shepards are really fantastic also, though I have wanted a hybred for years.

You mean like these?:

on Mar 18, 2004
ewww ahhhhh



Wolf Grey Sheperds


My wife fears them though because of the cross Belgium/Dobie (Hawkeye)I had when we met. She was an fantasticly friendly and loving pup but, she was extreamly jelous when Diane and I moved in together. In time Diane did not want her sleeping in the bed, then the room and once that happened and the door was shut at night everything that was Dianes ended up being chewed to bits. Then when Diane was pregnant with Justin, Hawkeye really started getting moody, so she ended up with a Cop's in Daytona Beach.

Everyone wanted to know why I didn't call her Radar because of her ears/ Man did she have a set of ears on her

Feet, legs, teeth and those freaking EARS!

She looked, mmmm, people gave her space, but she wouldn't do anything but knock them down and lick them silly.

[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
Same thing happends here when you walk with a 'boxer'. Its orriginaly is a fight dog but they are really cute. Especialy in other countries people are afraight of them...

on Mar 18, 2004
IP, that picture is of my Aunt and Uncle's dogs (I took a "portrait" for them).  They are very well trained and well mannered dogs.  I stick with the "small" breeds, though.
on Mar 18, 2004
They are beautiful KarmaGirl

I love all dogs and yes even cats, animals in general

I think humans have much to live up to when comparing humans with any other living animal and fail miserably in many instances...

Sad but I do not have any of my old photos anymore, when my wife and I separated the last time I took everything with me because we thought that was it. I moved to another state and ended up meeting someone and living with them for a while, then somethings took place that brought me back here in the matter of 12 hours and I had to leave everything there thinking I would eventually go back and get it all or pay to have it shipped.

Thought, being the operative because the person I had been living with did not think much of my leaving as I did even though there were not any attachments.

So some of my paintings and loads of my drawings, pictures, poems and songs ended up in a trash bin...

what I have now is all that is left and much of that was things that I had left at my momsters when I went into the service at 17.


HawkEye had the look of a short hair Belgium if there was such a critter. She was extremely protective of children and never left my side unless I told her to.
on Mar 18, 2004
Well, as long as we're showin' photos, here's my Zuki

And, Willie Bot and Zinkadoodle

Dabe (hopin' this works)

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on Mar 18, 2004
Dabe....the images need to be online...on a website....not on a harddrive...
on Mar 18, 2004
They are on a website. I'm wondering if I need to point to the original image size, instead of the smaller version that pbase gives a viewer the option of looking at. I didn't want to link the large image cuz it's Large. I'll just try one, and see if that works.

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on Mar 18, 2004
just go here

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on Mar 18, 2004
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