The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Just Curious as to what kinds of Pets, you Guys and Gals have.
I have a Literal Menagerie, in my house. I am One of the Cat Loving crowd,
as well.

In my Zoo, I have 1 Chihauhau (Rocky), 1 English Bulldog (Winnie),
9 Cats (Prissy, Dolly, Patches, Miss Kitty, Skeeter, Baby,Dora, Lil Bit & Punkin.)
3 Feretts (Bonnie, Clyde & Pinky), 2 Rabbits, 4 Forpus Parrotellettes, 1 Lovebird,
1 Quaker, and 1 Panamanian Amazon. A real house full, of Noise I tell you what.
Comments (Page 9)
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on Mar 19, 2004
I have a Chihuahua named Trixie in the pic with my nieces. And a Panda Hamster named Speed. And yes I was a huge Speed racer fan when I was a kid(in the distant past)! And I spoil the heck out my animals too, like em better than most humans!!

Sorry to hear about your Mother CygnusXII, its a terrible thing to have to go through as I know from experience. Just make her as comfortable as you can and enjoy all the time you can with her!!

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[Message Edited]
on Mar 21, 2004
My Mom passed away this mornig, Sunday 9:45 est.
on Mar 21, 2004
My sincere condolences to you and your family, thoughts and prayers are with you.
on Mar 21, 2004
I'm so sorry Cygnus
on Mar 22, 2004
I know it won't bring her back, and wish there were some better way of expressing my condolences to you, but,
my thoughts and prayers will also be with you and your family.
on Mar 22, 2004
I'm so sorry Cygnus but she feels no pain now.
on Mar 22, 2004
Sorry Cygnus, you and your family are in my prayers.
on Mar 22, 2004
CygnusXII, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom.  I hope you healing process starts soon.  Having all your pets pile on you should make you feel a bit better.  Your family will be in my thoughts.
on Mar 22, 2004
CygnusXII, I am so sorry.

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