The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Just Curious as to what kinds of Pets, you Guys and Gals have.
I have a Literal Menagerie, in my house. I am One of the Cat Loving crowd,
as well.

In my Zoo, I have 1 Chihauhau (Rocky), 1 English Bulldog (Winnie),
9 Cats (Prissy, Dolly, Patches, Miss Kitty, Skeeter, Baby,Dora, Lil Bit & Punkin.)
3 Feretts (Bonnie, Clyde & Pinky), 2 Rabbits, 4 Forpus Parrotellettes, 1 Lovebird,
1 Quaker, and 1 Panamanian Amazon. A real house full, of Noise I tell you what.
Comments (Page 7)
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on Mar 18, 2004
It's just a bloody big picture of a German Shepherd....with a dose of red-eye....
on Mar 18, 2004
Nevermind again!

[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
Yes, China...I see my link, but not yours....
on Mar 18, 2004
Oh Hush!
on Mar 18, 2004

Frog, still my best bud some 13 years after this piccy was taken
on Mar 18, 2004

...and as he is today...I think he has a portrait of himself in the attic or something
on Mar 18, 2004
I am going through some rough times, myself. My Mom has been battling lung Cancer, for the last
2 years, and my animals are a comfort to me. I can come home after staying with Mom, and they, bring peace and whatnot back to me. We are in the final rounds, of the disease, and I get to see her waste, away both physically and mentally, now. The Doctors have giver her 2 weeks. I am not so picky, as to turn away comfort freely given by my Babies. I am the oldest child, so the responsibilities, have come to me, and they (my Cats) make it bearable, Sometimes.
on Mar 18, 2004
Tiggz, that 2nd one is an awesome picture! He looks like you may have spoiled him .

CygnusXII, I can't say I know how you feel, I don't. I really pray I never have to go through what you are going through now. Take comfort in your cats, they give themselves so completely and are such a comfort. You've got a rough road ahead of you, I hope one day soon that your pain eases somewhat.
on Mar 18, 2004
My Butterbean:

[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
Thank You to any and all, any prayers given are appreciated. Also I see alot of nice furred, friends, here.
Everyone seems to have special Buds, to lean on and cavort with. Thank You all for sharing them.
on Mar 18, 2004
CygnusX11, my prayers are with you and may your pets give you comfort..........bless our pets. Btw my beloved Jesse almost got smoked by a vac truck the other day(the truck went over her but the wheels didn't hit her!) The driver didn't stop but to my amazement she got up and ran back to me......she is fine.....thank goodness! She spotted a squirl(spelling) across the road and, that was close(border collies drive me nuts)
on Mar 18, 2004
Pouncer, She only friendly to people she knows and screams at everyone else

[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
Boo just before she pucked all over my truck

on Mar 18, 2004
Pouncer sounds like my Mitzie.....she don't take kindly to strangers and Boo looks like a sweetie
on Mar 18, 2004
Pouncer, She only friendly to people she knows and screams at everyone else

Hmmmmmmmm... wonder which "Cat" learned from the other?
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