The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Just Curious as to what kinds of Pets, you Guys and Gals have.
I have a Literal Menagerie, in my house. I am One of the Cat Loving crowd,
as well.

In my Zoo, I have 1 Chihauhau (Rocky), 1 English Bulldog (Winnie),
9 Cats (Prissy, Dolly, Patches, Miss Kitty, Skeeter, Baby,Dora, Lil Bit & Punkin.)
3 Feretts (Bonnie, Clyde & Pinky), 2 Rabbits, 4 Forpus Parrotellettes, 1 Lovebird,
1 Quaker, and 1 Panamanian Amazon. A real house full, of Noise I tell you what.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 16, 2004
Wow, you should start selling tickets I have a German Shepherd(ribbon winner for Alberta CKC)Border Collie, Tabby cat and a Flamepoint Siamese
[Message Edited]
on Mar 16, 2004

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on Mar 16, 2004
wow nice zoo. in my zoo, i have 4 brothers and 3 sisters and the cat. *shrug* "muffin" as my sisters call him, i am not one of the cat loving people, my cat has learned to listen to me. i see him sneak into the house, i look at him and he just flies out the back door, that is, when its open. when its closed, he just runs into the glass funniest thing ever.
on Mar 16, 2004
i want a dog, preferably german shepard, that is, unless we move somewhere cold, then i want a husky mix with german shepard, i saw one that looked exactly like a wolf.
on Mar 16, 2004
I also negelcted to mention, My companion bird "dini, short for Houdini" a Sun Conure, which was a rescue bird.
We just went through a bout with Her, having 2 Strokes back to Back. I had to Mod her cage, to she could, get
around,she had lost the use of her feet. She wouldn't give up the fight for life, so we didn't give up on Her.
Now, She is back to almost Normal, and has regained almost all of Her Dexterity, and Mobility.
on Mar 16, 2004
We have 5 Cats (4 European ShortHair and 1 Norwegian ForestCat)!
They have been many many times in CatShows ,but not anymore due to age.1 is 13 years,1 12 years and 3 almost 10 years old ,so they are retired!

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on Mar 16, 2004
wow i didnt know birds could have strokes....
on Mar 16, 2004
2 small dogs, 2 small snakes, 2 regular sized cats, 1 10 gallon tank full of small rodents for the snakes, 1 20 gallon tank with 7 dwarf siberian hamsters, assorted insects hiding behind the walls, 3 children, 1 wife.

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on Mar 16, 2004
1 wife.

on Mar 16, 2004
by court order, I'm not allowed to discuss the others

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on Mar 16, 2004
on Mar 16, 2004
Wow, CygnusXII, how the heck do you keep the cats and birds apart? I've always had a bird but with the 2 psycho cats I have now it's impossible. I have 2 cats, one maine coon and 1 mildly retarded calico. At any given time I am feeding about 5 outside, 2 on a regular basis. In all, "hoopty" "butterbean" "scooter" and "fat boy". When we finally fence in our backyard we're gonna get a dog but we don't know what kind yet. I lean toward Mastiff's but they can't stay out in the heat that we get so that's out of the question.
on Mar 16, 2004
I've a Boomer which is a cross between a Rock, Rug, Mole, and the pup of 2001 Champion Golden Retriever that thinks that half the time he is all of 5 pounds and just has to sit in my lap like he did when 8 weeks old, whom also happens to be confronting the terrble two's.

Inspired? mmmm, well I haven't a new Designer CRT Cover's yet so I am not sure if he has inspired me much. But he is my best friend in the world. Ah, I guess I should say that of my wife or one of my children or another human being. But he doesn't demand anything of me, doesn't question in detail about the past when I need to talk about it and he pays attention without needing a road map to figure out where the discussion is taking him

He brings me my shoes and socks (totally clean because he has just washed them and they are at the moment drip drying) when it is half an hour to go pick up Runt from school. In the morning he wakes me up if I happen to be sleeping so I can get Runt ready for school on time. I dunno, he's just my best bud.

so yeah I guess he inspires me when everything else in the world fails to, he does...

it's a wonder what a slobbery kiss, nip in the butt or having a yellow miscreaton walk up and take your hand in his mouth between teeth that could crush it and calmly walk you to the door only to find he has places his favorite toys in front of it so you can pick out which one YOU want HIM to play with you with. But if you don't want a toy, thats ok because he is always up for a game of hide and seek and or hyper tag. Hyper Tag = Get runs around the yard, car, truck hyper as hell and you've got to try and tag him. He is fast, he is sleek he is smart, he is sure of foot and he is also one of the biggest teases I know!

something odd about him is he does not Bark. Playing or what have you. He will only Bark to speak to you and tell you something, it's hard to explain but it is what he is doing. And it isn't a Bark either it is more of a chuffing sound. Only time I have heard him bark is when someone who does not belong in the yard comes into it. He will bark once, get all blowed up and sniff the air while looking for me to come find out what is up.


animals are fantastic and each of us who be owned by one or more are blessed and those of us who will eventually be owned have much to look forward to
on Mar 16, 2004
one maine coon

Ohhh, Smokey!!!

My brother brought home a wild Maine Cooncat from a litter we had come across up on the CC Road between Woodland ME and Canada. (Right between em, it is actually a road which is a border that in some places one lane is in the USA and the other is in Canada. Though the river is on the north side of it so the local Maine and State Troppers patrol it.)

She was fantastic, used to go for walks every evening with my puppa/gramps/old phaut/old man (grandfather)

oh a side note for those in the south it is not Ant but Aunt because there is a freaking "U" in it...

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on Mar 16, 2004
Ant, aunt, tomatoe, mater all the same! The Maine Coons are really special, mine thinks he's a dog, he fetches and follows me around like a puppy. BTW I don't tell anyone here in the south that he's a Maine Coon cause someone is likely to shoot and eat him!
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