The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Just Curious as to what kinds of Pets, you Guys and Gals have.
I have a Literal Menagerie, in my house. I am One of the Cat Loving crowd,
as well.

In my Zoo, I have 1 Chihauhau (Rocky), 1 English Bulldog (Winnie),
9 Cats (Prissy, Dolly, Patches, Miss Kitty, Skeeter, Baby,Dora, Lil Bit & Punkin.)
3 Feretts (Bonnie, Clyde & Pinky), 2 Rabbits, 4 Forpus Parrotellettes, 1 Lovebird,
1 Quaker, and 1 Panamanian Amazon. A real house full, of Noise I tell you what.
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on Mar 16, 2004
1 cat, name is Bird (yep), she is very fat!
on Mar 16, 2004
ummm..... my wife....
on Mar 16, 2004
Maine Coon, is the last Cat I am allowed to Adopt, here.
My wife has to draw the line somewhere.
on Mar 16, 2004
she is very fat!

ummm..... my wife....

not good to put those two in consecutive order.

just in case she happens to come here and check this out.
on Mar 16, 2004
BTW I don't tell anyone here in the south that he's a Maine Coon cause someone is likely to shoot and eat him!

without a doubt

Being am actual Floridian with my momsters side of the family all being Crackers that is a well founded rational!

Yeah, I said Smoky before, but Smoky was a Blue Gray kinda Huge Tom of some sort my brother had, Snoopy was puppa's. She would play fetch also and chased dog's out of the door yard

When she was happy she would swish her tail up and down with a pause at the apex and then snap it in the other direction. When stalking someone or a toy while playing she would kind of slowly swish it back and forth just above the ground, when chasing Dogs it would curl up and over onto her back and fluff out making her look even larger than she was.

Oh and she had these Bright Yellow/Green specked eyes that were huge and a white beard.

So, mmm, I guess my puppas cat inspired me as a kid for a short time while we lived with them because she followed me around everywhere if she was outside when I would leave. It was kind of wild, Turkey (Large long legged Black Lab that was all feet and head at the time, a Chessapeak Bay and a Coon Cat following me around in the woods, out in the fields and even into town if I walked down to the store. They would all wait outside, Ben would pick a spot in the shade near the doors to lay and wait, Snoopy would would jump up on top of the soda machine and lay down and Turkey would look for water, mud, garbage to roll in or would try to find something as a gift for an ear scratch when I came out. Once he brought me some little kids hat, boy was that kids mom upset...

I always found I could trust animals implicitly and they like me and trusted me also, still do which is weird, kids and animals. Which kind of puts my daughters nose out of joint like it did my sons because all the kids at school and stuff always want my attention so it is hrdly ever just us doing things. There always seems to be others included and I have to be reminded or remind myself that Runt needs/wants her exclusive time...

thinking to much, going to just read this from now on...
on Mar 16, 2004
What lovely memories!
on Mar 16, 2004
Two of the most beautiful rescued black and whites, Mookie and Puds. They spend a lot of time on top of my monitor staring down at me.
on Mar 16, 2004
My turn.....

You may have seen two of mine. My wallpaper, Z Reflected, is a photo I took of Zinkadoodle when she was about 4 months old. She's a quiet, very skittish cat, who just adores me. But, anyone else approaches, and she runs like he11. She was hiding next to the dishwasher when I snapped that photo.

I have another cat, Wall Nut Willie Botnitsky. She's an all black, feisty dumpster rescue. Tough little cat. I should make some kind of skin from a photo of her.

And, my gigundo German Shepherd mix, named Zuki. When I rescued her from the shelter a few years ago, they told me that she's mixed with wolf. She looks like a wolf. She howls like a wolf. She's big like a wolf. She's got huge, splayed toes, like a wolf. But, she is predominantly shepherd, though I'm sure she has wolf in her. When I walk her, people often ask me about my "wolf". I tell them she's part husky. I don't think it's a good idea to tell my neighbers that I have a wolfdog. If you click on my name, you can see a photo of me walking her near my house.

I attribute Zuki to saving my life at least the quality of my life. When I got her, I could hardly walk. We started our walks, bit by bit, with me leaning on a cane for mobility (I have a kind of arthritis), and her learning to be nice. She broke one of my ribs on one of those walks, when she bolted after a rabbit. I held on when I should have let go. Aside from that, I got stronger and stronger, and along with modern medicine, I no longer need a cane. We walk for miles almost every day. And she is really well behaved. Zuki is a great dog. My bud. Without her, I would not have had the incentive to take those walks.

Zuki and Willie are buddies, too. They play together, Zuki protects her, and she lets me know when Willie needs to come in. Zinkadoodle runs from Zuki. No surprise there.

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on Mar 16, 2004
To keep animals as pets is selfish and an abuse of animal rights. They are living beings, not toys to be used as entertainment. Ask yourself, would you like to be treated as a pet? Sit, stay, roll over, eat when I tell you...yeah, like you would...

Fuzzy Logic waits patiently for the popcorn brigade...
on Mar 16, 2004

To keep animals as pets is selfish and an abuse of animal rights. They are living beings, not toys to be used as entertainment. Ask yourself, would you like to be treated as a pet? Sit, stay, roll over, eat when I tell you...yeah, like you would...

Yes, I would....if my 'master' devoted as much love and attention to me as I do to my cat....I'd consider it an honour.

No human being cares for me as selflessly as I do for my cat.

It'd be really nice if some of them even gave token 'respect'.  Humans make greater arseholes than any animal ever could.

on Mar 16, 2004
...and the cat has the freedom choice of course...
on Mar 16, 2004

I think I'll just step away from this.

My mood is not conducive to 'discussion', controversial or otherwise.

on Mar 16, 2004
I live to provide for my cats. Provide for their food, shelter and toys. At least that's what they think. Anyone ever heard the joke where the punchline is that cats are just tiny little women in fur coats?????
on Mar 16, 2004
Sorry Fuzzy Logic, it didn't work! We're on to you............
on Mar 16, 2004
They are living beings, not toys to be used as entertainment.

The operative phrase here is "living beings". If this was a perfect world, there would be no "pets" for selfish people to play with. However, this world is less than perfect (in case you haven't noticed), and there are these living things all over the place. Dogs and cats and birds and fish, etc. And, if not for some of us humans who can give them love and food and quality lives, they'd be suffering. Granted, we humans created this problem. It's up to us humans to deal with it.

I am my dog's fourth owner. As I posted above, she was created by some selfish SOB, who thought it would be cool to have a wolfdog. Problem is, wolfdogs are not typical house pets. They are dogs with a bit of the wild side. In essence, they are special needs dogs. My dog's first three owners couldn't handle her, so he ended up in a shelter each time. Miserable, lonely, and unwanted. I have given her a home, companionship, food, and structure that she needs. She has given my so much more. She has given me my life back. Call me selfish.

My cat was literally found in a dumpster when she was about two weeks old. We nursed her back to health, and she is a happy, healthy, soft and fuzzy kitty. The reason I agreed to take her in was because my cottage was becoming overrun with mice. I cannot live with mice. Willie solved that problem. And, she cuddles in my lap and purrs. She warms my arthritic hands. Call me selfish.

You may call me selfish, but in reality, I think it is you who are selfish. You rationalize some perfect world and think we should all abide by your vision of it. Wrong.

Now, I have to ask..... Fuzzy, do you really believe what you stated, or are you just acting like a troll in search of popcorn?

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