The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
Published on November 5, 2004 By CygnusXII In WinCustomize Talk Story Link
SlashDot Threaded Discussion

Well, looks like the AquaSoft crowd will really be in a Pickle, and another widget app comes to the field to play. I thought this was interesting to read and that the crowd might be interested. Since I am Object Desktop subscriber, my vote is exercised via my pocket. But I think this is interesting, as it will deal a blow to AveDesk, as it is a copy or of similar Ilk as Konfabulator. what do you Guys and gals think?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 06, 2004

Well put AndreasV.

One other thing that people who are't developers ignore is that it takes quite awile to optimize software.

We still have people who run around claiming DesktopX "slows down their computer" even though we've spent years optimizing its performance.  It's very unlikely that Konfabulator is going to be anywhere near as optimized as DesktopX, Avedesk, etc.

I have been looking forward to Konfabulator coming out for Windows since the day they announced it. It gets very old having to "compete" with someone's vision of perfection.

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