The Raving of a Crazy, Old Cat Guy.
I am not attempting to make this a manifesto, personal Blog, or overly complicated message. Since there seems to be alot, of locked threads here lately, please be kind and think before you type a message to this Board. There are Several Sticky (Sticky means Permanant Message threads at the TOP of the Message Board.) Items , like Personal web Pages, Please Create me this.., Site FAQS, Obscured Screen Shots, and what not so if your thread belongs there, Put it there and think of the Clutter and Congestion you will help avoid. In case you havn't Noticed The Items posted are Time Stamped so folks can tell what's Moving, being talked about and what is fresh, I promise even the most mundane Post get a reply eventually, Unless it is to rediculus to be even considered.
Now on a matter of common courtesy, "Please" talk to folks here as you would a Good. friend. I am sure you treat your friends with respect. Everyone here has come to Wincustomize for one particualr reason in comon, we are "SkinnerZ." So even though we might Fuss, argue or Cajole each other we all have the common, underpinning and love for Customizing the Interfaces of out Machines. If a person has alot of questions for the Board, why not ask them all in one topic/ thread? Spamming the Board is Rude, when you do this you Bump other messages, off the page (depending on your personal settings that is.) One last Item if a Thread of yours gets LOCKED, please just get over it (it happens, even to the Best of US.) Starting a thread on why threads get Locked is just silly. Trust me you will get over it.

As I stated I just wanted to make a small note for those that care, or are new.
If anyone cares to add to this, please feel free. I am sure that folks are curious as to what the Memes' of this Board.

Thank you for your Considerations in this, and also if you feel like contributing, Thank You in advance for Helping out.
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Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 31, 2004
I would also like to add that the "jumping on the newbies" and flaming them to death has been quite irratating.
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on Aug 31, 2004
On that point I will agree, we were all new here at one time or another.
A modicum of common sense, and civility is all it takes. I find that trying to
discuss something intelligently is the best recourse. I usually find it most enjoyable having running conversations with folks that actually know what I am talking about.
I live in a rural area and the folks around these parts, are not... repeat NOT into this at all. Imention SkinZ, and they think I am talking taking something to the Taxidermist, to have mounted. It borders on the Unreal Sometimes.
on Sep 01, 2004
In general: think before you act.

Swan, why are you capitalising your nouns (and random other words) as if you're typing German?
on Sep 01, 2004
crae, Bad habbit and upbringing. Aslo here lately I am having somekind of weirdness with my fingers and typing. It is really odd, I miss words entirely, letters at random intervals, and phrase get typed out of order from translation from my mind to the keyboard. I am finding myself having to slow down and read the type as it is written, where as before I didn't have to do so. I think I am going senile. Bad habbit for me it to Capitalize a word I am empasizing. See it happened by itself the "C" in Capitalizing just did itself. I had no actual Motor Control over It. Ackkkk! See I think It is random Motor Capitalization Disease.
Also I am not a Swan, but I understand your Ref Completely.
I take my name from Rush Hemisperes' Album, and also then a play on Cygnus-X1.
My Birthday is on the 12th Hence the XII instead of X1 or X12, and the Cygnus comes from Part IV of the Album.

IV. Cygnus: Bringer of Balance
I have memory and awareness,
But I have no shape or form.
As a disembodied spirit,
I am dead and yet unborn.
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old,
To the city of Immortals,
Marble white and purest gold...
I see the gods in battle rage on high...
Thunderbolts across the sky...
I cannot move, I cannot hide...
I feel a silent scream begin inside...
Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified.
Apollo was atonished
Dionysus thought me mad.
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad.
Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear,
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres.
They sat a while in silence,
Then they turned at last to me:
"We will call you Cygnus,
The god of Balance you shall be."
on Sep 01, 2004
And where in the heck are those "z" coming from? I am falling into laziness and spelling things phoenetically, or I am getting old for sure. I turned 39 this year, my hair turned all white, my Mother died, I gained 40 lbs, am taking enough Prozac to knock a normal Man down, and havn't left the house in 6 months. I am losing my mind I think, or at least the part of me that is me, if you get my meaning.
on Sep 01, 2004

I agreee with you, but Dude I know some really good counselors, you want a referal?
on Sep 01, 2004
Thanks TasT, I have an appointment for the 8th though. I have finally come to the point where I realize it is getting out of hand, and am going to get something done about it. I also have the Bad habbit of spelling things odd, Catalogue, Theatre are but two examples that spring to mind right away. I am trying hard to lick the comma problem I have. I am bad about sprinkling commas like bird seed, on the ground. Grammatically challenged, I guess?
on Sep 01, 2004
Don't feel bad about the spelling or the comma's. I turned in a "do it in 30 minutes in class" report to my history professor that had an entire paragraph only divided by comma's and I think one period. and I ended all my thoughts with three or more periods. Fortunatly he wasn't upset, he found it kinda funny actually. He asked If I blogged or participated in online forums. Of course the answer was yes......

He just laughed and said that I'd better watch it with the term paper.
on Sep 01, 2004
The spelling thing isnt wierd...thats how I spell them too. (I think its a Canadian/British/anyone-but-the-U.S. thing)
on Sep 01, 2004
<jafo> weird </jafo>

So in short, you're going through a laissez faire phase in life. Chin up mate, it'll pass. But only you can change that. In the meantime, just randomly hit the enter key whilst typing and that comma problem will be a thing of the past.
on Sep 01, 2004
There is something very strange about how this board mangles my posts. I think froggy took over skinz' filter when he started this site.
on Sep 01, 2004
A run on sentence counselor. heh, who would have guessed.
on Sep 01, 2004
I keep seeing strangeness myself when ya'll post sometimes I see this strangeness...
(  this is it actually I am typing nbsp) or something to that effect, I know it is an unbreaking space but why is it being used? it just seems to run stuff together when I see it being used? Is it trying to force and indentation? Is not supported?
Now that will test the filter I am sure.
on Sep 01, 2004
Yup! lesser than BR greaterthan, Bracket tag, Is there somewhere a FAQ here for the supported HTML?
on Sep 01, 2004
'habbit'...?....Spell checker
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